Lost On Arrival
02. FEB 2022 - 21. FEB 2022
Exhibited at
Freyjugata 41, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Lost On Arrival is an ongoing poetry project that uses the practice of Blackout Poetry to create poems out of existing scientific texts and articles in order to reduce and reuse scientific language into a metaphorical and philosophical world. The exhibition consists of existing poems, generative poems and the artist himself in the space creating new poems through the practice of Blackout Poetry for the entire period of the exhibition.
Blackout Poetry is when a poet takes a marker to already established text--like in a newspaper or textbook--and starts redacting words until a poem is formed.
This would create new laws of physics through poetry which would make perfect sense without making any sense. This is in tune with the artist's desire to find philosophical meaning in the scientific and experience the feeling of being lost on arrival to explain certain happenings in the universe in such a way that every person can have their own meaning to the same thing and still be correct. This is because it does not take into consideration any physical laws in nature but instead creates room for imagining more of them. The works are based on scientific concepts that have been mix-matched to create new worlds.
Tristan Tzara a Dadaist, had a poem titled 'To make a Poem', which goes like this :
Take a newspaper
Take a pair of scissors
Choose from the paper an article as long as you are planning to make your poem
Cut the article out
Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up the article and put them in a bag
Shake gently
Next take each clipping out one after another in the order in which they left the bag
Copy conscientiously
The poem will look like you
And there you are -- an infinitely original author endowed with a charming sensibility though beyond the understanding of the vulgar.
Tristan Tzara